
Garage Sale W.E. is here!

Update on August 9th:
The garage sale was huge success - raising an additional $750 for Summit for Wishes!!!
Thank you to everyone who donated stuff or stopped by and paid a little extra "just because"
The crazy month of August (and fundraiser after fundraiser) will officially start tomorrow morning at 9 a.m. when we open our "driveway" and "carport" to the neighbours and anyone looking for a good deal.

I've been collecting the old "stuff" of my family, friends and colleagues for several weeks and after going through everthing this evening, I'm honestly a little overwhelmed by everything we have... from a 6 person tent to bathroom cabinetry... to kitchen dishes, maternity clothes, toys and not one... but two high chairs... THERE IS A TON OF STUFF.

I also made my first official "sales". $10 for a small pile of toys and crayons and maybe another $25 thanks to the ad I placed on craigs list.

All that's left to do is put up the signs, pick up some lemonade and pray for lots of deal hungry visitors!

I have no idea what to expect... and I'm really hoping to be blown away by the outcome (in a good way!).



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