
Beautiful key chains...

In my efforts so far to raise the money for Kilimanjaro, I'm finding that it's fun to do small things where people actually get something tangible for their money. You might not pay $8 for a jar of pancake mix at the grocery store (unless it was certified "home-made") but if it's for a fundraiser, most people are more willing to spend a few extra dollars.
It's the same idea with these beautiful hand-made key chains. I spent several hours with some lovely gals "beading" last week. The result - a variety of unique and really pretty key chains for us to sell to add more funds to my "Kilimanjaro/Make-A-Wish" pot.
We sold the first 15 to 20 over the weekend and we'll be making more... but here's you chance to take a quick look and choose your favorite! First come first serve... so if something catches your eye, don't wait! Send me an e-mail (ok.with.andrea@gmail.com) to order your favorite one!
*Please note the prices are suggestions. These are being sold for donations.


$ 16 000 : Where will it go? Where will it come from?

In undertaking this project /mission I am committed to raising at least $ 8000 for the Make-A-Wish Foundation. I must also cover the expenses associated with the trip. The cost of which are close to $ 9000 when added up - the sum of which I do not have and that I am praying will come in the months to come.

Raising $16 000 - Where will it go?

$ 8000 Make-A-Wish Foundation
$ 2300 Airfare to and from Moshi, Tanzania
$ 1080 Access to Kilimanjaro National Park
$ 3720 Tusker trail (trekking company) fee (incl.: guides, meals, lodging first 2 and last night in Moshi,etc.)
$ 1400* Mountain climbing equipment (*I am hoping to borrow most of the required equipment)
$ 320 Vaccinations (Typhoid - $40 ,Hepatitis A and B - $195, DPT (tetanus, etc.) - $0, Yellow Fever - 85$)
$ 75 Tanzania VISA

That adds up to almost $17 000.

Assuming I borrow most of my equipment (which is looking more and more likely), my total fundraising objective remains close to $16 000. If I reach this objective (and in doing so, cover the majority of expenses associated with the project) I am committed to personally donating an additional $2500 to the Foundation.

Raising $16 000 - How will I do it...?

I've been praying since I started this project and it's been incredible to watch certain things simply fall into place. And I've been a busy busy bee... thinking and planning... small fundraiser activities, big events, pancake mix, garage sales, barbecues and car washes, parties, etc. When you're trying to raise $16 000, everything seems like a potential fundraising opportunity!

Fundraising for the Make-A-Wish Foundation (Objective: $8000 - $12 000)
Fundraising activity - Objective ($) ($ Raised as of October 10, 2010)
  1. Individual Donations (family and friends) - $ 1000 ($ 2310)
  2. Partner with local high school (Centennial) for special student projects - $ 2000 ($ 1900)
  3. Fundraiser BBQ at local IGA (August 2010) - $ 1000 ($ 1205.69)
  4. Ladies "Brunch" (August 2010) - $ 1500 ($ 1090)
  5. Basketball Tournament (September 2010) - $ 1500
  6. Dinner-Dance Event (November 2010) - $ 4000
  7. Other... ($ 230)

Fundraising to help me get to Kilimanjaro (Objective: $8000 + donation/loan of specialized equipment)
Fundraising activity - Objective ($) ($ Raised as of October 10, 2010)
  1. Individual donations (family and friends) - $ 2000 ($ 880)
  2. Sell pancake-mix (may and june 2010) - $ 1000 ($ 1243
  3. Face-Painting on Canada Day - $250 ($ 325)
  4. Garage sale (summer 2010) - $ 500 ($ 950)
  5. Car wash (July 2010) - $ 500
  6. Bake sales (ongoing) $ 750 ($ 467)
  7. Sell cookie-mix (november and december 2010) - $ 1000
  8. Sell hand-made products (key chains, scarves, etc.) - $ 500 ($279)
  9. Support from Church (s) - $ 500
  10. Divine Timing (proceeds of sales) - $1500 ($ 1400)
  11. Other... ($ 115)


$1999.00 (that's 12.5%!)

I suppose I should just add the extra dollar to make the official total $2000, huh?

This project is really incredible. It's taking up a lot of my time and energy, but I don't think I would have it any other way. In the last couple of weeks I've been totally encouraged (again) by the support that I'm getting from all sorts of different places.

Here are some updates:
  • The final "total" raised for my second round of pancakes for wishes is $536.00.  I currently have just under $400 of that, and have a few final deliveries to make this week to make up the difference. Like last time, I decided to just absorb the costs of the mix and jars so that everything people gave for the mix is going directly towards helping me reach my fundraising goals. THANK YOU to everyone who ordered the mix this time. Some people liked it even better than the first mix, and I didn't think that was possible! A special thank you to Leino for ordering 20 small jars and passing them on to his next 20 clients at Esto Image in St-Lambert.
  • A few weeks ago I was blessed with a nice big chunk ($250) when one of my husband's co-workers decided that the proceeds from the end of year barbecue for the Centennial High School "Talented and Gifted" (T.A.G.) students would go to charity - and she picked this project! Thank you so much to Brandon for talking about the project at school, to Amber for her idea and desire to support and to all the kids who were attended the barbecue. Every donation helps and this one certainly made a dent in my efforts to reach my objective.
  • That same week I found out that Brandon's efforts to get people interested (and involved) in this project are extremely valuable. I don't want to mention exactly what it is since the money isn't in the "pot" yet, but when this particular cheque arrives, it's going to make a nice big dent in the total amount raised for the Make-A-Wish foundation.
  • It's not just the big chunks that leave me feeling encouraged. The surprise donation from a girl I went to Cegep with brightened my day yesterday. It was totally unexpected and I am more grateful than you can imagine (Thanks Michele!)
  • This coming weekend I am supposed to be presenting my project to my church (http://montrealchurch.ca/). I will tell them the story of why I am doing this. Those that I've already shared it with have been so supportive already (and I'm not talking money... I'm talking support and encouragement) and I'm looking forward to the opportunity to share it... to share what's on my heart, with more people.
  • I spent a couple hours this evening making unique and beautiful "sun-catcher"/"key chains" that will be sold for donations. They're so pretty... and I've never made jewelry before so it was a fun experience through and through (Thank you Carolyne, Sara and Elena!!!!!). Pictures coming soon...
...and we're making progress towards planning some of the bigger events... right now the focus is on a ladies brunch at the end of the summer... but I have some smaller things in the works too :-) More information to come...

Thank you for the encouragement. Thank you for the support. I'm only a couple months in to this "journey" and already I've... been touched... been learning... been living...



Fundraiser - Pancake mix (part II)

Following the success of the "home-made pancake mix" fundraiser just before Mother's day...

I'm ready and waiting for your orders for round 2 of "pancakes for their wishes"!

The mix is a little different this time around but if you absolutely loved the fluffy yummy goodness of the original mix, just specify so in your order. Your wish is my command... especially since you're helping me to reach the summit for their wishes!



A productive week

I have no announcements to make today.  No major increases to donations, no details for upcoming fundraisers... I just want to share about my week.

Following the success and encouragement of last weekend (an extra $350 in donations AND having someone offer to help and support my fundraising efforts in a big way) - I've been blown away by the response and the support to this incredible project over few days.

The idea of raising enough money to make a child's biggest wish come true resonates with so many people... and it's starting to really show.

I've been working with Carolyne (my new right hand gal for this project) to identify important contacts so that we not only meet my fundraising goal - but surpass it.  At the beginning of the week we went through the various types of activities and events that I wanted to organize over the next several months... and added some of her ideas...

garage sale - car wash  - BBQ - special brunch for women - bagging groceries at a local store - basketball tournament - family hike (& picnic) - "dinner/dance- crafts and hand-made items that could be sold - some more home-made pancake mix - ETC. ETC. ETC

I have started to talk with more people (mostly leadership) at my church and the response has been above and beyond my admitedly cynical expectations. If I had any doubts before, they are now close to non-existent. This is what I'm supposed to be doing right now. And there's more to come... I just don't know what yet.

In the past week alone, the ideas have been flowing and the progress has been "measurable".
  • A location for both the ladies brunch and more formal dinner/dance event (more details coming for both as soon as the date is confirmed).
  • A "BBQ" at IGA in August (date is also to be confirmed, but August is reserved for Make-A-Wish!).
  • A "bagging" weekend at Canadian Tire if I can find enough people willing to volunteer their time.
  • Ideas and potential "human resources" to make special jewelery and cute scarves and hats to sell.
  • More and more contacts getting excited about the project and asking how they can get involved. (For example, a girl at the Youth Group last night wants to do something at her school at the beginning of the next school year... cool? yes. very.)
  • Support from all 3 pastors at my church - and a booked "presentation" to the congregation on Sunday June 27th.
  • and other details ironing themselves out...
If the bigger events that I'm planning pan out and draw the number of guests I'm hoping for, I will meet and exceed (by far!) my fundraising goals.

Watching everything coming together is incredibly exciting... knowing that there's a child out there who's wish is going to come true because of all this... well that's humbling and amazing.

More to come...